Tuesday, August 18, 2020

An Eddy Dutchman Interview, apropos of a Saturday gig with Eddy D. & Jazzy, Tim Chan, and Sinead X Sanders

There's going to be some great albums when COVID-19 finally runs its course. While I'm grateful that some bands, like X, the Pretenders, and the Residents are letting their new arrivals drop, for the vast majority of bands, there's not much point releasing anything when you can't tour and can only play to small rooms: so what that means (I hope) is that bands suddenly have the luxury of time to write, to re-record, to re-think weak cuts, to get everything perfect for the day when things are "back to normal." From Red Herring to the Black Halos, I know a few people who are lining up ducks, making plans, with albums in various stages of completion. But truth is, I thought EddyD. & the SexBombs had already just released their new CD, Yikes!, when COVID-19 hit.

Not so, Eddy Dutchman tells me. "The CD is not finished...we are doing the whole thing ourselves, every aspect of it..and we are one busy band of musicians, so its taking a very long time. When it's done you will receive the first copy; right now we are mastering it. Everything else is done... and to be honest Al..i think the days of CD's are done..its about singles and Spotify and videos...and likes on your FB page..."

With that in mind, the Sex Bombs have been putting out some pretty entertaining videos - see "Boom Boom," here, from last year, or "Are You Ready?" And Eddy D & his partner, Jazzy Zircon, who front the band, have a two-person gig lined up for Lanalou's this Saturday, August 22nd, under the new bandname, 2020. First, obvious question is - why is this not a Sex Bomb's gig?

"EddyD & the SexBombs are a big stage band," Eddy writes by way of reply. "That's where they are most at home and at their finest. We like the Biltmore, the Fairview, and of course the Rickshaw." However, "because of COVID, all these venues are closed... We owe it to our fans to be the best we can..so we will only play at venues that work for EddyD & the SexBombs...but in the meantime, Eddy and Jazzy" - the principle songwriters for EddyD & the SexBombs, though Preston & Fletcher, who are in the band, also contribute -  "will perform as '2020' doing new and old EddyD & the SexBombs songs...the full band will wait till the larger venues open up."

COVID regulations are also going to force people to be more creative (and minimal) with their lineups, Eddy observes. "If a venue only holds 50 people max, and there's three bands, that's like 15 to 20 seats taken just in band." This is one of the reasons why Tim Chan of China Syndrome (whom I've written about here and here, and seen easily a dozen times in the last few years) will be doing a rare solo set for the Lanalou's gig, and why Jazzy and Eddy will be re-framing SexBombs songs "as a two piece," Eddy explains. "Personally, I  think full bands are really going to suffer. And remember: right now there's no getting up; the audience is restricted to sitting, and staying seated." There are also time restrictions: "The entertainment starts at 8 and has to be done by 11...so it makes it very difficult...but some of us are determined to figure out how to play in a safe and responsible way, but for now, it's 'Eddy and Jazzy are 2020.' Will the rest of the SexBombs be there?  Hell yes - but only to watch..."

How far do you and Jazzy go back? She's your wife, right? Were you musical collaborators before you were in a personal relationship? (Note: I'm going to stop fixing Eddy's eccentric punctuation here, since it is consistent and deliberate. He punctuates like Celine...). "Jazzy is my wife..of 40 plus years now...EddyD & the SexBombs is our first musical collaboration.  Over the many years together, she has always supported me and been my biggest critic. I have been performing for 30 years. I used to street perform..juggler..been all around the planet..and Jazzy would be there..not as a performer ..just as my support...but..Jazzy is an artist..she has always painted" (Eddy tells me elsewhere that she was "part of the punk art scene with Braineater and Lincoln Clarkes and that crew"). "She has done shows...she is also a poet..so about 6 years ago..she expressed an interest in being in a band..i called a few friends...and EddyD & the SexBombs were born...it is her first band...lol...we take her poems...re tool them into a song structure..i add the music...bang done..next...it is a very successful formula...she is my jagger...my lennon...lol,," 

                                                        Jazzy & Eddy, by Bob Hanham

Did the name EddyD & the SexBombs come from Flipper's song "Sex Bomb," or is there another common ancestor between them?

"EddyD & the SexBombs started out as EddyD...at the railway club..first show..about 7 years ago..it was just me and a couple of pick up guys.. i wrote a bunch of songs along the Faust theme..you know...EddyD sells his soul to Satan for fame and fortune...all the songs told that story..like an opera....it went over really well..EddyD did a few more shows and Jazzy made a few cameo appearances...she really liked it and that's when Jazzy and i put EddyD & the SexBombs together... the name Sex Bombs comes for Tom Jones...lol...more our speed than Flipper..although we used to run a booze can..Stalag 13..and i think Flipper played there...lol...its all connected...but..Tom Jones doing a version of a song called 'Sex Bomb'...excellent version by the way...that's were it came from..."

Do you have songs you will be doing especially for this occasion, or will you be repurposing Sex Bombs material?

"One of the positive side effects of Covid is we now have time to write new songs...so '2020' will be doing new some soon to be new EddyD & the SexBombs songs plus all the older EddyD favorites..Jazzy and i are still fully committed to EddyD & the SexBombs..but are just adapting to this COVID environment...we do have one song specially written for these weird days..it's called 'Back Away'..i think from the title you can imagine what the songs about.,,we are committed to new material..i think we're up to 40 songs now...all originals."

Curious about covers and originals. I don't know my vintage R&B and 60's stuff, which I assume you're steeped in, so I always figure when I'm seeing the Sex Bombs that there's a good chance some of the songs are covers. Are there any covers you usually play? Are there any planned for the set with Jazzy?

"we don't do covers..we only do originals...its a much harder road..and a more satisfying road...we see our fans singing along with us...we have other artists doing some of our original songs...that's very gratifying....and...we like to keep our audience on their toes...it's a challenge for the audience...for them to decide for themselves if its a song they like..it can be uncomfortable for an audience to hear a song for the first time and feel safe liking it...and personally..if i am going to put time and effort in to learning a song...i want it to be one of mine.,,not to say i don't know any covers..i probably know hundreds...but i forget them quicker than i learn them..so..influences..sure...beatles...stones..dylan ...mostly british rock...but actually covers.. no...as i like to say when asked about covers......'play one cover..you're in a cover band.'..we're an original band...hahahah."

Anything else to say about the gig?  Any special plans...?

"the gig....i know a lot of musicians are staying home..i am taking a different route..i believe we have to figure out a way to keep music alive and to do it in a safe and responsible way...its a new way of doing things...reserved seating...making sure the audience understands this is for our mutual good...ticket sales..reserved seating...early finish..i came from the DIY crowd...i have always been about self promotion...and this is just another challenge...."

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