Friday, July 10, 2020

The Hunt redux! Plus welcome back, movie theatres!

So movie theatres are re-opening, but it looks like no one wants to put out a major blockbuster type film in the midst of a pandemic, which means that - like the Twilight Drive-In started doing a few months ago - the cinemas that are re-opening are playing mostly tried-and-true films, including a buncha borin' superhero shit and some Spielbergs (the only one of which I am excited to see theatrically is Jaws, but I basically approve of any Spielberg films that truck in overt, honest misanthropy and/or have things with teeth eating people. Note: I specify "overt/ honest" to exclude Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan, which are both extremely nasty film experiences that masquerade as something else. I think Spielberg's most honest filmmaking is in Jaws, where you get these disgusted shots of bad beach bodies and wait eagerly for one of them to get bitten). But one of the recent films that is playing is one that had a heartbreaking release - held back from its initial run in September 2019 because of one violent tragedy to have its rollout in March fucked over by COVID-19. That's The Hunt, which so far stands as my favourite movie of 2020 (not that I've seen many!). I previously wrote about it here; the showtimes are here. (Knives Out and The Invisible Man are also worth catching, and probably my second-and-third favourite films of 2020, btw). The Hunt is bloody, smart, funny, politically relevant and plays some delightful little games with the audience - the less you know of which, the better. Go and be surprised. 

Yes, the blu-ray is also out there, but better if you can see it theatrically, no? And, like, Macon Blair is in it (only briefly, but it's a memorable scene!). 

Good luck, The Hunt. May you find your audience yet. 

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