Friday, February 14, 2020

Welcome back to Vancouver, Bobcat Goldthwait!

I am not paying much attention to the JFL Festival otherwise, but I am DELIGHTED to have two opportunities to see Bobcat Goldthwait tomorrow (in conversation at the Vancity Theatre and doing a rare standup thing, I guess, at the Rio). Here we are when Willow Creek, his bigfoot film, played at the VIFF a few years ago (photos by Erika Lax). Welcome back to Vancouver, Bobcat!

1 comment:

  1. Whatta nice guy Bobcat is!

    The crowd for the Vancity "conversations" event was so small -- twenty of us, by my final headcount, a minute before Rachel from the Rio came out to introduce Bobcat -- that when he got a gander at us, his quip was, "We could have done this in my room." But he was affable and funny and interesting. A few people - like the owner of the Comic Shop on West 4th - wanted to tell him their Robin Williams stories, and he obliged, and one of the funnier moments (for me, anyhow) came up when Rachel went into an anecdote about "fucking the dog" with Robin Williams when he came into the Virgin Megastore, where she used to work. Bobcat was looking at her quizzically, because (in case ya didn't know) THAT IS A CANADIAN EXPRESSION, mostly, unknown to East Coast Americans. Rachel twigged to this, and explained the idiom to him, while I (anticipating where the conversation would go) dug around in my bag for my DVD of Sleeping Dogs Lie to hold up, which I did in perfect timing with Bobcat remarking, on mike, "it sounds like a movie I once made" - then, seeing me raising it up for the audience to see, quipped, "yeah, that one!" Later, at the end of the presentation, Bobcat came over: "Would you like me to sign that for you?" "And a few other things," and I produced a stack of ALL OF HIS MOVIES (except Call Me Lucky, which I learn is out on video but hasn't gotten Canadian distro). "Oh wow!" He was obviously tickled that someone actually HAD all of his movies, and considering the crotty turnout, I was really glad I'd brought'em...

    But the Rio afterwards was packed, and the show very, very funny (tho' a few of his stories, like the Lynyrd Skynyrd survivors tour one, or, like, "FIRE TRUCK!" were familiar to me). Too bad he hadda leave right away - it would have been fun to hang out with him a bit. Now I gotta go find Call Me Lucky...

    Thanks for signin' my vids, Bobcat!


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