Saturday, October 19, 2019

Theatre of Hate versus the East Van Opry

So Theatre of Hate plays tonight at the Rickshaw! I did not manage to get anything written in time for the show, but I did interview Kirk Brandon last year, and am really excited to be able to finally see this band, whose song "Legion" has been a favourite of mine since the 1980's, when I first heard it.
They are not the headliners (and should be going on around 9pm, I gather) but (with apologies to Chameleons, Gene Loves Jezebel, and the Gathering, members of all of whom are playing tonight) they are the band I am going for; if things go to plan, I *will* be talking to Kirk at some point tonight.

Also exciting, but not on my schedule for the evening for obvious reasons, is the East Van Opry, which I have enjoyed wholeheartedly on a few occasions. This I *did* manage to do some writing on, focusing on M'Girl - First Nations females who combine "western" vocal harmonies with indigenous themes. I also wrote about Kitty and the Rooster apropos of another show of theirs, and highly recommend them. References to the Khats festival got censored from the start of this piece, which I gather caused some trouble for my editors. Hell, folks, it was all in fun! 

Anyhow, if you're not going to the Opry, go to the Rickshaw, and if you're not going to the Rickshaw, go to the Opry. Or else stay home and watch Netflix, whatever. Fractured was pretty good, actually (the new Brad Anderson, and very much in keeping with films of his like Session 9, The Machinist, and Stonehearst Asylum.)

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