Monday, August 26, 2019

NO FUN on Drugs at the Princeton!

I have very likely seen NO FUN on drugs, but I have never seen NO FUN on Drugs, not even straight. Tonight I will amend that (though I am not sure if I will see NO FUN on Drugs on drugs; I believe, in fact, the drugs are optional). There is, in fact, video footage of a complete, vintage Railway-era NO FUN on Drugs show, which may get played in part as part of the proceedings! 

In other drug news, the pot dispensary down the street from me got raided. They were trying for a different angle: to buy, you had to sign a document saying you were a Rastafarian, so they could argue from a religious freedoms perspective. Good luck with that, folks! (A friend who shops there quipped, "I wonder if the RCMP will have my name now," but all that they're going to have on their records is that he's a Rastafarian, so...). 

First, they came for the Rastaf... never mind, it's not funny. Is Hobo any good?

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