Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Bob Mould in April

Might not be too much of me online for awhile - I have some Bev Davies stuff to do, but my next big gesture is probably going to be Bob Mould in April. I am excited about that show. I have become quite fond of how happy and well-adjusted Bob Mould seems, and am discovering that I may actually have grown out of Zen Arcade a little myself (I still love it, but not the way I did when I was a younger man; it is, really, a younger man's music). 

Anyhow, I'm looking forward to speaking to him, if it happens, and to seeing him again, this time in trio form.

Meantime, the new Big Takeover has articles on DOA (parts of which were previously previewed here, though most of it has not previously seen print) and my interview with Brother JT (actually, the majority of that is below, not too far back, but people who enjoyed that, or enjoy his music, might want to read the magazine, as well). 

Be well - I won't be around much.

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