Saturday, March 18, 2017

On the morning of my wedding

Strange days... Getting married today... Sitting up sleepless on my girl's parents' couch, 6am, listening to two different clocks ticking in countermeasure, feeling a bit overwhelmed. There is lots to do, but lots of it seems to be out of my control, so I end up feeling kind of passive, worried I will get in the way or otherwise mess things up... This is by far the biggest thing I have done that, in point of fact, is mostly being done by other people, some of whom, especially Erika's Mom, are working very hard indeed (she was awake even before me). It is kind of humbling, a bit intimidating, and slightly strange! (Also one hell of a rush job, moved up from May to accomodate my operation).  Too bad my brain won't fall back asleep...

1 comment:

  1. Hey, my friend...congratulations to you and your lovely bride!!!...I really wish I could have been there but I'm sure David more than made up for my absence....perhaps the biggest thing you have ever done and likely the smartest too!


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