Thursday, December 22, 2016

Merry Christmas from Lobster Claus!

Erika helped me with the design of this! Friends wanting a free unique Christmas card are welcome to print it out - though, um, we retain copyright for any commercial uses: "not to be reused without permission," and so forth.

I kinda love it, tho'.  And by the by, this makes a fun card to go along with gift DVDs or Blu-Rays of The Lobster - easily my favourite film of 2016. That particular movie is 2/ $20 at HMV on DVD, though over twice that price on Blu Ray. Alas, supplies seem to be running out at some locations, especially with me buying multiples for people!

Merry Christmas from Lobster Claus! (And a big thanks to the great Pete Campbell for singing "Hockey Sucks" the other night. Lobster Claus will visit you soon, Pete...).

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