Monday, October 10, 2016

Bronsonquest III:The Dream Warrior, plus Moe Tucker

Bronsonquest update: since last I wrote, I have acquired enough Charles Bronson DVDs to cease actively pursuing them. The White Buffalo is still ostensibly in the mail, and I was able to scratch my itch more or less by watching all the Death Wish films in order (only part two was nearly unwatchable in its leaden, lifeless directing and unpleasant sleaziness; I'm glad I didn't waste money on the "uncensored" version, electing instead to go for one of the Triple Threat combo packs, with nicely presented widescreen versions of the second through fourth Death Wishes). Three and four are about equal, with three perhaps as the series' most entertaining and improbable entry, a must if you have fondness for Ed Lauter, even if it somewhat squanders Martin Balsam, and reminds one a bit too much of the later, derivative, but superior Harry Brown....

Anyhow, Bronsonquest is officially over for now - with a few titles I am content to grab when they pop up on the cheap. But for reasons unclear, I actually DREAMED of buying (or renting?) a Bronson last night. I was in a very big video store, where BJ of Videomatica worked (not in real life and modelled on no big box-style video store I have been in) and there was a Bronson film, on VHS tape, in a returns cart that I had never heard of, entitled From Paris With Regrets. I contemplated it, but elected not to buy it, or rent it, because it wasn't directed by J. Lee Thompson, or even the less reliable Michael Winner. Then I got to chatting with BJ a bit, changed my mind, and went searching for it, to discover it had been filed, supposedly alphabetically, though I couldn't find it on the shelf. I found a different Bronson, Time to Die, which - tho' it doesn't actually exist - I had seen before. But, with the store closing, I was getting increasingly desperate, noting that right where the Fs were supposed to be, they had a bunch of other shit on their shelves, like pop and chips and popcorn in bags....

Those who know me well will know that the above roughly fits a recurring dream pattern of mine, where I am in an unfamiliar town trying to find someone who I am somehow responsible for, who is somehow in danger - tho' the only dsnger here is that the film has been misfiled and may remain obscure to me. As with the dream where I cannot find the person, it ends in failure and frustration. It is somewhat disturbing to note that my subconscious has switched out a lost person for a lost movie, but fun that I have apparently displaced Bronsonquest onto my sleep.

In other news, a Facebook thread by Wreckless Eric apparently reveals in its comments that Moe Tucker of the Velvets is now a Trump supporter. (She posted some absurdity about how Hilary would let in savage foreign rapists - apparently in the form of Syrian refugees - if elected). What happened to Moe, you gotta wonder. Life in Exile After Abdication and I Spent a Week There the Other Night were such fun albums, and in no way suggest the xenophobic, racist neocon/ Tea Party Moe that seems to have taken over. Is this what working at Walmart does to people? I was shocked at some of what she was sharing on FB when I actually peeked at her page; she had reposted some rubbish about how Obama was going to force or trick Americans into becoming Muslims, and... I just couldn't read it...

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