Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Dave and Phil Alvin and the Guilty Ones - plus Paul Pigat, this Thursday

Haven't seen many posters around town for this, but Dave and Phil Alvin are playing at the Imperial on Thursday, and the opening band is Paul Pigat's trio, Cousin Harley. I've wanted to catch the Blasters for years, and never have; this isn't that, but it's the Alvin brothers, so I'll take it. And everyone from Petunia to the Reverend Horton Heat praises Paul Pigat, whom I've never seen live. The Imperial is a plenty nice space (if a bit expensive, boozewise!), and there are still tickets available, so I'm looking forward to it. Only misgiving is that, because it's an early show, I'll be missing De Palma's Blow Out, which I really wanted to see on the screen, but I'll have a chance to catch it on Friday, so...

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