Friday, June 10, 2016

Red Herring to take a break, see them Saturday if you can...

I won't be at the Red Herring show at the Princeton (1901 Powell) on Saturday, but I love these guys and wanted to give word. I'm told that the band has been adding Tania Gosnitch from the Queen tribute band Stone Cold Crazy to their lineup, and that, since Steve the drummer has to "head East" for awhile, it will be their final show for the time being (at least til the fall). Alas, I have other plans, but people interested in creative, avant-New-Wave funky punky folk music should definitely check it out. Shit-hot local guitarist Stephen Nikleva plays with these guys, too, and sometimes has done songs off his solo album during their sets! (And of course, Enrico Renz, the frontman, is brilliant, too). Someone request "The Monkey Song" for me, okay? More on Red Herring here.

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