Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Amon Amarth, Celebration of Brad Kent, Gerry Hannah and Art Bergmann, the Rebel Spell

So I got a feature in print in the Straight, on Amon Amarth, playing the Commodore on Monday. Really, really like the new album - much more than their previous, Deceiver of the Gods, actually; it's a lot catchier and more anthemic, which is a side of the band I personally love.

Also, there will be a potluck celebration of life for Brad Kent on May 14th, starting at 3pm, at the WISE Hall. Some of the artists slated to play include Mary of the Modernettes, the Pointed Sticks, Rampage, DOA, and other special surprise guests. I won't be there, alas. I also won't be at Gerry Hannah and Art Bergmann's gig May 20th at the Commodore, mostly for fear that some irate Art Bergmann fan (or Art himself) will punch me in the nose for that ill-advised show review I wrote on the Straight website. 

No, the next gigs I will be at (after Amon Amarth) will be the Rebel Spell's memorials to Todd Serious. More on that to come. There will be two of those, it turns out - a show has been added May 20th at the WISE. So I couldn't go to the Commodore gig that night anyhow.

More to come on the Rebel Spell, maybe a bit more to come on Gerry...

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