Monday, April 04, 2016

Red Herring Saturday!

Note: I previously entitled this piece "Red Herring Friday." But this was a red herring. The gig is on Saturday, folks. I'm unstuck in time. Sorry. 

For those who do not know Red Herring, I direct you to this interview, complete with links, with this marvelous, multifaceted Vancouver band, who have (relatively) recently resurfaced after decades of inactivity as a unit. I missed their last show due to my own illness, but may just make their set at the Libra Room (1608 Commercial) this Saturday, assuming Mom is doing well enough for me to sneak out. Pretty sure the quote likening them to Talking Heads on the poster below comes from me, tho' it's partial - I had more to say than that. But try their song "Love Machine" in this light, and tell me if I'm on the right track.

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