Sunday, March 13, 2016

Some photos

I'm skeptical about the treatment I'm receiving.

On March 3rd, the day before my first IV therapy, a few days after swelling and redness started to manifest on the left foot, my feet looked like this:

My feet, today - now with redness on the right foot, as well, and deepened redness (tho' less swelling) on the left. After two weeks of IV therapy, the last three days twice a day, you'd think they'd be a little better, no?

Plus good God, my left arm, here with my right foot, which is the one NOT being treated. Admittedly, I had taken a hot bath, but that's still a lot of redness:

And for balance, left arm left foot:

A lot more holes in my arms, but not a lot of improvement in the foot that I can see (the line drawn around the swollen area was courtesy one of the IV nurses, on March 7th, when I began treatment in Maple Ridge).

But here I go again, off to the hospital...

1 comment:

  1. You are a true hard-core blogger. Good luck with the treatment.


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