Wednesday, March 09, 2016


It hasn't been all grim here in Maple Ridge these last few days, as I deal with my diseased foot. There has been some incidental humour, for instance. Overheard a story in the waiting room yesterday about a little old lady, new to social media, who was wishing condolences to the family of a deceased acquaintance, and ended them all with three letters she'd seen people use, which she assumed meant Lots Of Love: "Sorry for your loss, LOL." It was pretty obvious I was eavesdropping when I burst into laughter too.

Or take today at the Lifelabs - where the lab tech found a vein in about two seconds, compared to yesterday's seven holes, for a massive list of blood cultures and tests. There some giggling when one of the women helping me - both youngish - instructed me with the word "fist," and I responded, "I'm fisting!"

It was also kind of amusing to discover that you are now expected, before collecting a urine sample, to use an alcohol wipe. "...On my hands?" I asked. Got a slight smirk out of that, as well.

But generally speaking, things aren't going well. Day five of IV antibiotics, at one hospital or t'other, and there's only slight improvement; the nurse today observed that there was redness, heat and swelling in my right wrist and elbow, saying that only arthritis or septic joints seemed to fit as an explanation for what's going on. She's urging me to see an infectious disease specialist, which I may do tomorrow. I'm definitely seeing my doctor tomorrow - hopefully my bloodwork will be in and instructive - but no one really knows what's going on, and they admit it (the only people who have been sure of anything are the ones who haven't been listening). One clear thing is, it's not getting a whole lot better.

So I will not be at the Reverend Horton Heat tomorrow. See here for my Straight interview (online only); I may post an outtake tomorrow, I have a good one. (I will also not be at the Real McKenzies, Robyn Hitchcock, the Dayglo Abortions, Trailerhawk at the Heritage Grill, or other bands performing this weekend - not even the Devil in the Wood Shack/ Still Spirits gig that takes place at Pat's Pub on Friday, which I wrote about for the West Ender). 

But I do have a few things to direct people to, meantime: a video from the Bowie Tribute Night that I posted, with Cass King and the Old Canadians. Finally there's a video no one had seen of the Rebel Spell in Oct. 2014, playing the CD release for Last Run

However, I think I'm going to take a bit of a break from the internet for the time being. I might get that Jim Heath outtake up tomorrow. Otherwise, I'm lying on my Mom's couch with my foot up, or in the hospital, or... I will post if there's major news. (Amusingly, I'm watching the fantastic Bone Tomahawk with mom tonight, and there's mention of having your foot elevated above your heart...). 

Hope y'all enjoy at least some of the cool music going on this weekend. 


  1. 4am and I wake up needing to pee. My hands and wrists hurt now - it hurts a bit to type! And it looks like my upper arms are kinda weirdly swollen and puffy, just above the elbows. I have a doctor's appointment at 2:30 today but am thinking it might just be wiser to get a taxi to the emergency ward. Not exactly nervous, but wondering whether I shouldn't be, a little?

  2. Among other things you need a CT scan to find out exactly how many and to what extent you joints are involved. Signed Dr. Beer.


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