Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Red Herring again: musical recommendation for a show I will not be at

I am going to miss Red Herring tomorrow (Thursday) at Slickity Jim's for a damnably dumb reason. See, I was late for a Seijun Suzuki film the other night, sprinted a few blocks in my Blundtstones - good boots but not designed for running - and have thus strained my ankles in a couple of places. It hurts to stand, it hurts to walk, and yet I must do both at times: but I will not be doing anything I do not absolutely HAVE to do once I'm done my piddly hour and a half of work tomorrow, just limping home, putting my feet up, and maybe watching a video with my girl.

Which is a shame, because I love Red Herring. They have an utterly unique "New Wave roots music" thing going on since they reunited, and some of their "new" songs, like "The Monkey Song" - are really powerful. Interview with frontman Enrico Renz, here. Show starts at 9, arrive earlier to get a seat (and/ or have dinner, the food is good!). Highly recommended. Links to songs of theirs on Youtube here, here, here, here and here. If someone could shoot and post videos of "Consuela" and "The Monkey Song" I'd love to hear them again...

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