Sunday, March 27, 2016

I love my Mom...

...but I'm not going to write about her anymore this week. Today was exhausting, eleven hours spent with her in hospital, with several steps forward, and a few steps back. We'll see how it goes, but the week's not going to get shorter or easier, and I'm gonna take this private.

Still, wish her and me luck, folks. She's a sweet woman with a lot of love for the little things of life and a great sense of playfulness. She's been a great Mom to me. It was a tough day for her, too, and now - long as I stayed - I've left her alone with strangers. Gotta eat, sleep, and go again tomorrow. Hopefully I feel somewhat refreshed.

Edited to add: Somewhat ironically, I realize that part of my exhaustion may be due to my having forgotten to take my meds (Synthroid) this morning...


  1. Just a wee update - Sunday night was rough for mom and everyone in her ward, apparently... Monday she got a room of her own and i got permission to sleep here... most of Monday and Tuesday she doped to the gills and zonked out... And then on Wednesday, she woke up lucid and refreshed, and went for a successful procedure... Thanks to those checking in and wishing well, shexis doing much better.

  2. ...tho' some "deconditioning" is occurred and it's going to be a slow road to recovery - she's having a hard time getting out of bed, say. Which might be what her body needs right now, it's been exhausting. For me, too - I managed to get four, maybe five hours sleep in last night but was wakened first by Mom ("I have to poo!") and then every half hour thereafter by an endless processional of nurses and such, checking her blood sugar, taking bloodwork for the lab, strapping on fresh antibiotics, etc. I've been up since about 4:30 AM, I think. Exhausted.

    Anyhow, I'm going to nap a bit, here...

  3. Thinking of you and your mom.


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