Monday, January 04, 2016

David M's Ukrainian Christmas Alone In No Fun City

Guess what? Christmas may be over, but David M. is at it again, playing a Ukrainian-themed Christmas show this Thursday in the Railway Club back room. "O come all Ukrainians," he writes on Facebook:
 The 13th day of Christmas means a "Український Різдво на самоті в найближчі Fun City" to die in the snow for! Join D. Matychuk (a/k/a David M.) and his guests Pete Campbellchuk, Dave Dedrickchuk, and Lester Interestchuk as they bring Ukrainian Christmas to a boil, with sour cream and chives. 30 years of Vancouver NO FUN Christmas shows have come to this: OH COME ALL UKRAINIANS! And after the show, we'll all go around the corner to line up for A&B Sound's legendary Ukrainian Boxing Day Sale - DOORCRASHER: new Mickey & Bunny LP, $2.99!
Didja know I'm half-Ukrainian? Obviously my father's side comes from Scotland - by way of Nova Scotia - but my mother's parents, Nicolas and Pulahia - forgive me for not sharing their last names, but it ends up as a security question in various places - met on a boat in the early 20th century, fleeing the Ukraine for the promised land of Canada. They settled in Quebec, and started a family. My Mom was born in 1930, and though she retained no great ties to the old country, would occasionally cook cabbage rolls for us as a family, following, I presume, her mother's recipe. I sometimes will go to the Ukrainian Village on Denman for dinner, and occasionally have brought her, though it's hard to get her into the city these days.

Tempted to drag her out to see David's show, though... And I'll definitely be there myself.

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