Thursday, December 17, 2015

Wet Dream

Right: so I had a wet dream tonight, and, because I'm now pretty much wide awake at 5am and have nothing else to say (except for a David M. interview that I don't want to transcribe because it might wake my girl), I'm going to tell you all about it. Reading it is not mandatory.

I'm kind of impressed that I had said dream, because, dig, in three months' time, I'll be 48. Wet dreams are MOSTLY the stuff of teenagers; I don't think I've had one in ten years, at the very least. And oddly enough, my dream seemed to be conscious of this fact, since it backdated me: I was a teenager in the dream, hanging out with a male buddy or two, and some girls we wanted to get it on with, people whom I actually remember from my teen years (though their identities are a bit foggy now that I'm awake; I'm a bit foggy on many of the details, in fact, just know the general shape of things). At the, um, climax of the dream, I was standing in the driveway of a suburban house, having failed - as was actually the case through my teens - to have sex, and I was masturbating for all I was worth, to relieve the sexual tension from being with these girls. I'm pretty sure that the guys were still around, cheering me on, which I found kind of distracting, but no less, I ultimately had an explosive, sticky, messy orgasm all over the pavement. There was some discussion of this, then we went inside the house (some place in Maple Ridge, dunno which). And sometime thereafter,  I awoke, thinking to myself: I had a wet dream! ...and reached inside my shorts to confirm it.


So there: my first wet dream in ten years. Sorry to report that my girlfriend, lying beside me, had absolutely nothing to do with it (sorry, babe, I just don't have that much control over what I dream!)... though I did dream a dream the other night that was actually located in the apartment I share with her, which was kind of a first, for me. It had something to do with me taking out the garbage and seeing a rock band zooming around in a truck on the track in back of a nearby school, though in fact, no such track exists.

The cat, lying beside me on the couch, probably wishes I would just go back to bed, but he's woken ME up a bunch of times by jumping on the bed and meowing in my ear, so tough.

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