Saturday, December 19, 2015

David M's Christmas Alone in NO FUN City update

Just a wee update before my big David M. interview surfaces: the Cafe Deux Soleils show originally scheduled for Sunday has been cancelled due to an overdose of Vancouver.

Instead, David M. will be creating a Vancouver-free zone on Wednesday at the Railway Club - truly the classic venue for NO FUN Christmas chicanery. Come for the alcohol, stay for the merriment! And in the event no one cool gets it together to buy the club, be prepared for it to be your final night there, just in case. In my opinion, it couldn't be a finer choice for a farewell show, though of course I hope the Railway continues forever (and David M. too).

Also, about the box set (a truly lovely object): it's fantastic. If you don't get lucky and score one, you should at least try to get a copy of David's most recent Christmas recording, a solo venture called The Five Wenceslases and 27 Other Contemporary NO FUN  Christmas Classics. He was thinking he might make it available at the show, so...

See y'all Wednesday!


  1. There's an "N" in "WeNceslases".

  2. Fixed, thanks.

    Also an update update: Jim Cummins won't be playing.


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