Monday, October 19, 2015

Why I want Justin Trudeau to win...

...Because I really like the idea of his Mom's beaver having been on the cover of a DOA album!
Apparently Nardwuar was flashing this album at Justin Trudeau when they spoke. I haven't looked at the video of it yet but it is online. I suspect there may be hip flips involved. There are also links of Nardwuar with Thomas Mulcair and on his inability to get Stephen Harper to play along. All future elections in Canada should be decided by how well people respond to Nardwuar.
By the way, the new DOA album is really pretty good! It's not classic DOA, but you know what, I've had enough of classic DOA to last me, I think. I'd kinda like it if DOA did a "Best Of" show of their post-1984 material - if they opened their set with their "Folsom Prison Dirge," say, followed by "Burn It Down" and maybe a couple of the better songs off Let's Wreck the Party ("Our World," say. Great song, never heard it live.) Or what about some of the forgotten songs of yore? Haven't seen them do "Rich Bitch" at any show I've been to in the last ten years. Don't recall ever hearing Chuck Biscuits' "Last Night." Or - what the fuck was "Kill Kill This is Pop," off the Vancouver Complication, anyhow? I don't even know who sings that one (Randy? It doesn't sound like Joe). And I guess Joe must be embarrassed about some of his recent stuff, like his Star Trek song, "Captain Kirk, Spock, Scotty And Bones," which is actually really quite fun, because that doesn't seem to end up on set lists either... I just don't really need to hear "2+2" or "The Prisoner" or "World War III" again, y'know? Although the new lineup is pretty blistering, actually, so I'm sure they'd do these songs justice, and I wouldn't complain about stuff off War on 45, of course. I might just make it to the Rickshaw for the show November 7th...

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