Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Vangiv'er: Benefit Concert for the Syrian Refugee Crisis

Well, TWO interesting things are happening on October 15th. Elizabeth Fischer is checking in to the clinic (Swiss time) to make her quietus, and there's a vastly under-promoted show at the Biltmore featuring a whole cornucopia of cool local bands, including Roots Roundup, Ford Pier, and Joe Keithley...! Spread the word, because this show is not so well known about...


  1. Another show I'm not at... but I worked pretty much non-stop, except for a few breaks to use the washroom or check my email or such, from 9am to 5:30 today, and it wiped me out. I'm back home trying to get out of as much housework as I can but it keeps finding me here, too. I have had a nice big shot of Fireball to chase down my turkey leftovers and am soon going to "nap" a little. Or just lie back, luxuriate, and moan. Hope those of you who went to the show had a good time...

  2. Sorry you couldn't make it to Switzerland. Did you make it to Vangiv'er?


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