Monday, October 26, 2015

This Halloween, Unleash the Archers (Heavy Metal Halloween Extravaganza)

There is much to do this Halloween weekend. Poison Idea at Funkys on the 30th? Maybe, though I expect that will be packed and rowdy. (Haven't heard their new album yet, by the by). And since I will be watching movies at the Vancity Theatre until late (see below), I don't think I will even attempt it.

Saturday, however, I think my pick will be the Heavy Metal Halloween Extravaganza, showcasing Unleash the Archers - uplifting, empowering, guitar-virtuoso power metal from Vancouver (originally Victoria). I have had great fondness for them since I caught them in Maple Ridge a few years ago, at one of those weird church gigs I wrote about awhile back. Mostly I liked them for the fact that they PLAYED Maple Ridge at all; their music didn't immediately sink hooks, and listening to their first album, I can see why - it's not half as cool as what they would eventually become.

But since that time, they've released two albums, and each is a giant leap forward in terms of songwriting and musicianship. The new one, Time Stands Still, is their pinnacle thus far, the sort of metal that people who long for the days of vintage Priest and Maiden should be able to embrace wholeheartedly. (They also have a fun Mad Max-y rock video, if you haven't seen it. Someone is spending some money on these folks!). Their gig at the SBC Cabaret on the 31st seems like a must attend (and I'm told will be their last local show for awhile).

Not sure what to expect of the other bands yet - haven't seen one of them - but be gentle on my girlfriend, okay? I want her to at least last until Unleash the Archers take the stage...

Note to David M: I have not received, and have no plans to receive, any considerations from Unleash the Archers or the SBC Cabaret or anyone for this announcement (no comps, no merch, no nothin'). Tho' if and when I get them in the Straight (again), if they want to comp me into something and shower me with gratitude, I will happily accept (within reason). Like Paul Sorvino says in The Gambler, "Once you ain't a virgin, you're a whore."


  1. No, no, no, Allan. Here are the only things I've ever told you that were meant to be taken seriously: DO NOT bomb Hydro substations or video stores, DO NOT go to Switzerland to have yourself put to death, and DO NOT allow a beneficiary of a will to be the executor of that will.

  2. Ah, by this point I was just figuring on giving you a hard time...


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