Sunday, October 11, 2015

RIP Steve Mackay

There are certain bits of rock and roll that end up buried so deep in your brain you don't even remember they're there, but they always are: indelible marks on the soul, but in a good way. Iggy Pop bellowing, "Blow, Steve!" in the Stooges' "Fun House" is one of them. That song boasts one of the greatest uses of saxophone in rock ever, by me.

Rest in peace, Steve Mackay. It's hard to believe that of the Stooges lineup I saw in Seattle a few years ago it's only Iggy and Watt that endure.

Really feel mortality creeping up these days...


  1. The qualifier "one of" hardly seems necessary in this instance.

  2. Beer - well, there are OTHER indelible moments, though "BLOW, STEVE!" is way up there, I'll grant you.

    David - no, man, the Seattle Stooges show I saw was Iggy, Watt, Ron and Scott Asheton, and Steve McKay! James only came back on board after Ron Asheton died, then his brother, now McKay. Current lineup is Iggy, Watt, Williamson and a drummer named Toby Dammit, I gather...


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