Sunday, October 25, 2015

Fucking for pancakes

My girl and I are both on the spectrum for Type II diabetes (a recent discovery, for me - my fasting blood sugars were around 7 the other week). We're working on it. 

But I foolishly burnt up the last of the Cob's Low GI bread the other day (the tastiest and healthiest way to watch your carbs and eat what presents as white bread). We now have no other bread in the freezer, unless you count the whole wheat Kaiser buns or the various wrap-things, neither of which sound very appealing for breakfast.

We do have pancake mix, however (and no sugar added syrup). That's the good news. The bad news is that the allotment of carbs we are allowed, measured out and expressed as a cup of pancake mix, looks like it's going to make for a pretty piss-poor, puny pancake (to have with eggs and yoghurt and other stuff, mind you, but it's STILL NOT ENOUGH PANCAKE, dig?). And we're neither of us ready to get dressed and go out for breakfast, so...

But my girl has tested her blood sugars before and after sex and found that, apparently, sex lowers her blood sugar levels. So she just made me promise to help her lower her blood sugars after breakfast, as a condition on getting bigger and better pancakes.

Okay! Let's have pancakes...!

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