Saturday, September 19, 2015

Pictures from a Rainy Weekend in Maple Ridge

So I come out on the West Coast Express on Thursday after class, with dark clouds looming in the sky. After we watch Soderbergh's Traffic - a film I wanted to see a second time, twenty years from my first viewing to confirm how little interest it (still) holds for me, save for its terrific performance from a young Erika Christensen - I  crash on Mom's couch, then spend the next couple of days hanging out with her, watching DVDs, shopping, cooking, and so forth. I'm working on a roast beef for her and my girlfriend tonight. One weird little treat came about when I took Mom out to the mall to buy some groceries, and we ended up running into a performance by talented local country songwriters Sly Valentine at the Farmer's Market downtown (I don't see much of them online, alas). So here's some random photos, before I start cooking...

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