Saturday, July 11, 2015

Thoughtful dreams of Godzilla

So I was dreaming about Godzilla, rampaging around British Columbia. Unlike most Godzilla movies, the dream had little to do with the military or government trying to solve the Godzilla problem. It was, instead, a dream about denial: about how people in the dream, including me, were all trying to find a way to "live" with the Godzilla problem, trying to find a way to continue to enjoy their lives, to have sex and good food and shelter and so forth, while FAILING TO DEAL WITH GODZILLA. Godzilla was "the elephant in the room," a metaphor for the human failure to tackle overwhelming problems and do something about them - the way we're failing to deal with climate change, or such, say (or even trying to do something, personally. My lifestyle has changed not one whit because of climate change - though granted, I do not own a car, I do not take a lot of plane flights, I live a pretty low-impact life in that way, my meat consumption not included...). In the dream, we all knew Godzilla was out there. We all knew that he could pop up at any moment and ruin whatever we were attempting to get away with for our own selfish comfort. But because we all felt powerless to deal with him, we all just thought of ourselves, our own quality of life, our own safety. Near the time when I woke up, it had occurred to me that this was what had to change, that if we wanted to get rid of Godzilla, we had to confront the problem, to all actively resolve to DO something about it, collectively and committedly. Until that time...

Great Gerry Hannah show last night. Talking to him - he spent quite some time on the question of climate change - probably had something to do with the dream. (Unlike my No Fun article: all those Gorgo ads haven't produced a single Gorgo dream, David, ever).

See you all at the Khats fest...

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