Sunday, April 19, 2015

Electric Wizard live at the Rickshaw

My show review, with great pics from bev davies, is here. A few bad photos that I took are below:


  1. hey Allan, i really enjoyed your write up on Electric Wizard at the Big Takeover... i had no idea bout the Kasso angle either.

    if you want to, you are welcome to use a photo of Satan's Satyrs for your piece. I shot the Boston show, and am a contributor to the BT as well. let me know!

  2. Hey, thank you! I actually think my photo of Satan's Satyrs is good enough, I just didn't want to presume to be competing with bev...

    But I'm really glad for the feedback, I thought that was actually a pretty interesting piece of writing I did and was wondering if anyone even read it!


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