Saturday, March 07, 2015

Happy still-being-alive day to Matt Clark!

Some guy named Mick Clark died and I keep mis-reading the Wikipedia obits page and thinking that Matt Clark died. I always, always liked Matt Clark - he's one of a long list of character actors that only improves the movies he appears in. Is he still even alive, though?

Guess what?  And he was in a Million Ways To Die in the West, just last year, which I'd had no plans to see, and now must. MATT CLARK IS STILL ALIVE AND WORKING! That's a nice thing to discover.

So I'd like, on my 47th birthday, to wish Matt Clark a happy still-being-alive day. I'm glad to know you're out there, still, Matt! (He celebrated his 78th birthday on November 25th). Someone should make a movie with Matt Clark, Harry Dean Stantion, and M. Emmett Walsh while they're all still with us.

Also, this:

Thank you, David M.! (He's the secret musical guest on Tuesday. Shh.)

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