Saturday, January 31, 2015

Electric Wizard!

Yeah, I'm officially in love with the new Electric Wizard album, Time to Die. And totally excited to see them play the Rickshaw in April. I'm feeling burnt out on the whole writing thing at the moment so I doubt I will try to write about them in a serious context, but wow, what a great, heavy album this is, the smartest, most authentic-seeming piece of contemporary Sabbathry I have encountered (and I'm including that recent Black Sabbath album). It's themed around a murder committed by a 17 year old acidhead, subject of the true crime book Say You Love Satan, and has lots of swirlin' texture around the thudding riffage. I'm partial to that stuff. Only trouble is - the Rickshaw website says it's already sold out! Nooo! (Maybe there's a way, though).


  1. Ohh noooo. I called everyone. No-one has tickets. I checked Craigslist and the only person with anything for "Electric Wizard" was looking to BUY tickets. Arrgh!

  2. Got my tickets for the show in CA they are playing in April. A dream come true! TIME TO DIE is fantastic, but I've been equally enamored of their last two, Black Masses and (especially) Witchcult Today, not to mention their earlier messterpieces. Blasphemous, perhaps, but I might even dig the Wiz MORE than Sabbath...


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