Sunday, December 07, 2014

The Babadook, plus David M. returns to the Railway

I have nothing much to write about here for the time being. Projects loom, work needs doing.
I am told The Babadook - playing a few times yet to come at the Vancity Theatre - is a terrific horror film. Tom Charity highly recommended it, and Steve Newton apparently loves it - calls it "the year's best fright flick." I have not seen it yet and plan to read no further about it on the off chance that I can catch it onscreen. Wish me luck on that.

Also, David M.'s Christmas Alone In No Fun City is apparently returning to the Railway Club this year! December 21st.

That may be the most you get out of me for awhile. Happy horrordays. If I don't catch you at the David M. gig, maybe see y'all at the WISE Hall on the 31st for The Rebel Spell, with an opening set from Jeff Andrew? Or maybe not (I never made the Reischman gig, below, either).

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