Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Gerry Hannah: Coming Home review

Just posted it today! (That's a photo by Dan Kibke of Gerry and I showing off our cans, by the way. His is bigger than mine!).


  1. Hey Allan:

    I like the review. It was well thought out with knowledge, humour and attention to detail. I also like the depressive "Sure Looks that Way", the uplifting "In the Final Days" as well as the brutally honest "Woman Reborn." The album presents Gerry, imperfections and all, going though some pretty major changes. Thanks for paying attention to those in the non-mainstream.

  2. Sure thing. I really like Gerry, you know? Good guy, and he's been one of the friendliest, most open people I've gotten to know through this music journalism thing I've been doing.


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