Monday, November 24, 2014

Going to the cinema: why don't people do it more often?

Is everyone's life as complicated as mine? I have to zip back and forth between Maple Ridge, Burnaby, and Vancouver, commuting daily, spread thin all over the map. That's MY excuse for not getting out to see films at the theatre. But what about people who live in Vancouver? Do they even go to the theatre anymore? I hear that the Crime Fest at the Vancity Theatre hasn't been so well-attended, despite a really fun-sounding programme. A couple of feature films I've caught in theatres in the last few months have had surprisingly spare audience turnout - like Jodorowsky's Dance of Reality, say, at the Cinematheque, or even a recent screening of John Wick that I went to in New West (not exactly first run, but it wasn't THAT long after its debut). Is it the shitty weather? ...Maybe there's simply so many options for entertainment ? There are tons of great movies being made, but maybe there are too many, and people are exhausted from having to consume them all the time (or is that just me?).

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