Tuesday, November 11, 2014

David M.'s Fall, in Love, in No Fun City 2014 THIS SATURDAY

This year has seen the highest concentration of David M. musical activity in Vancouver since I don't know when. And it's not done yet! Those of us who would like to see some classic No Fun songs performed without those pesky Christmas references have (at least!) one more chance to see the man do his thing, this Saturday at Slickity Jim's Chat'n'Chew. This time I will be there ! (Tho' I may poke my nose in to catch Mecca Normal at the Media Club, first). I have requested "Ambivalence." Or was it "Ream Me Like You Mean It?" It sure wasn't "Toll for the Troll."


  1. By the way, anyone wondering when the last copy of the Snivel box set sold via Discogs should be appraised: the answer is NEVER. http://www.discogs.com/No-Fun-Snivel/release/5060779

    Though you can get The Night Smells Like a Dog for $28 or so:

    Speaking of Snivel, it's surprising to me that I barely remember the song "Negroes Have Eaten You." How can that be? I mean...

  2. That version of "Snivel" is the rare one with "Sakatchewan" instead of "Saskatchewan" apparently. And $28 for the original "The Night Smells Like A Dog" with less songs in a different order seems low somehow. As for "Negroes Have Eaten You", you must not have been at the Chapters shows where it was played. I know you weren't at the March 27, 2010 David M./Shane Koyczan one where I taught/misinformed him about opera like the troublemaking scamp I am. "Anybody can do it," I fibbed. Also noteworthy about that show was then-Minister of Housing Rich Coleman, there to ride my No Fun City popularity, blathering on about something, when the ever-mischievous Ozzy ran up on the stage and deposited his orange ball at his feet.

  3. You know, it turns out I know about the first three songs on The New Switcheroo, which I listened to on the train this morning. But I have no idea how I could. I never owned the cassette, never had it in any other form, and back in the day I only intermittently listened to CiTR, CJSF, and CFRO, so I doubt I heard them on there. Maybe I heard you perform them when you opened for Robyn Hitchcock at the Town Pump? Or maybe you performed them on Soundproof or something? I was kind of relieved when the fourth song started and I didn't know it at all - I was starting to wonder if I'd owned the cassette and forgot about it! (Which would be a crime. To my knowledge, I have only ever owned 1894 and Snivel, previously).

  4. I do not know if the version of Snivel I owned had the misspelled province name, btw. I gave it to a friend of mine years ago. I wonder if he still has it, or where it might be?

  5. I kid about Saskatchewan, or "Sakatchewan", but the "No Place To Hide In No Fun City" show ended with a radical revamping of the song Snivel that elicited gasps, or "gaps".

  6. The last three songs of the second side ("Arcane Chit-Chat") of "Snivel" were played at the show, including your request "Ambivalence (Gets Me)", "Me And Warren Beatty (And Mick Jagger)", and "Ream Me Like You Mean It", but not consecutively in the "Snivel" sequencing.

  7. I know! I was there! I didn't know the first song, which I assumed was an original - I can't find it on The New Switcheroo or The Night Smells Like a Dog and I'm pretty sure I'd know if it were on 1894 (but I don't remember Snivel so well). Erika didn't care for it much, I must admit. Was it an original? I only ask because I was convinced that "My Wife and My Dead Wife" was one of yours until it suddenly struck me (before Pete shouted) who had written it. It was a nice choice, particularly since the one "vintage" No Fun show I saw was opening for Hitchcock at the Town Pump.

    I shot a good little video - dark, but the audio's okay - of you and Pete doing "Dead Flowers." I've been singing it around Erika's apartment all week, so it was kind of fun that it turned up in the set. Okay if I upload it?

    Great show. There's a lot of songs out there that I'd cross the street to avoid ("Brown Eyed Girl," say) that sound great when you cover them...

  8. "Cream For Free", the 1977 recording, is on "Old", but it was originally on the 1975 "Doubt In The Mind Of Royalty" album, NO FUN's sophomore effort. Erika is quite right about the song, but she should still forgive Shane Koyczan for living it. Now that you've noticed the skewed timeline, here is a close-enough-to-accurate list of the years each song in the show, including covers, was originated: 1975, 2013, 1973, 1987, 1967, 1967, 2014, 1982, 1963, 2000, 1975, 2000, 1972, 1978, 1983, 1975, 1967, 1989, 2012, 2005, (Pete's songs - 2012, 1990), 1980, 2013, 2010, 1976, 1992, 1984, 1967, 1984, 1979, 1987, 2014, 1985, 1984, 1988, 1984, 1984.


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