Sunday, August 03, 2014

Poison Idea, Belphegor, Swans

Punks out there might care that Poison Idea play Funky's October 3rd. But they know this already, right? Old school, ugly Portland punk band with a lot of really solid songs.

And Belphegor are coming (October 5th, Rickshaw; who cannot find some love for a band with songs like "Bondage Goat Zombie?"). And Swans, at the Venue in September, with - wait, Carla Bozulich is opening?

With apologies to Michael Gira, I wasn't sure I was going to see Swans again this year, having caught them twice in the last few years... but Carla Bozulich? That kinda moves this into a not-to-be-missed category. Of course, if you missed either or both of their last two shows in Vancouver, this show should be considered not-to-be-missed by you, too. My old big Swans interview, or the part that ran online, is here...

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