Thursday, July 10, 2014

Jodorowsky, plus Khats fest...

No time or energy for a big blog entry - but are we all excited about The Dance of Reality tomorrow at the Cinematheque? Straight review here - St. Mack describes it as "satisfying and exquisite" (one wonders how Ken Eisner would have reviewed it...). My favourite Jod is still El Topo (pictured above) - an essential film for anyone who cares about cult movies, even if a violent, mystical/ surrealist spaghetti western isn't to your tastes.

...and if you're ambitious, it looks like you can make it to the Vancity Theatre for Sorcerer right after the 6:30 Jod screening, which I may just do. Gritty escapism for those with a fundamentally grim outlook on life, with some I-cannot-believe-this-was-filmed moments. And yes, a terrific score by Tangerine Dream.

...And speaking of music, there's the Khatsahlano Street Festival Saturday. I think, with a bit of jogging, it should be possible to catch the Hard Rock Miners and The Furies at McDonald, then The Evaporators, Black Mountain collaborator Amber Webber and Josh Wells' Lightning Dust, and then the Poppy Family Experience (more essential Mack on that here, and, God bless'em, on the cover of the Straight; the best music-themed cover story since the Little Guitar Army one?). Handy chart of set times here. I'm kind of bummed that I might have to miss Piggy (no Muppets reference intended!) but one cannot see everything at this fest - have you noticed how many bands are playing?

There's also a big I, Braineater event but after my ill-received Art Bergmann review I fear for my safety in his presence... Bergmann is playing the Commodore soon, didja see? Now THAT's a big deal (I better not go to that either).

Anyhow, hope y'all are having a good summer. I won't be blogging so much for awhile - got work to do. But I'm still around... if you see me at Khats say hi... and if you've missed my recent interview with Chris Arnett of the Furies, check it out here! (There are other ones on this very blog).


  1. Huh, the new Jod film is really a new Jod film! It's got its issues - it's shot on video and some of the edits are a bit jarring - but it also has resonances with El Topo and Santa Sangre and a whole bunch of surprising and delightful bits... It's definitely worth seeing!

    Sorcerer, meantime, at the Vancity, was MAGNIFICENT to see projected, and Actually! Drew! A! Bigger! Crowd! than the Jodorowsky film... who woulda thunk? Plays again tomorrow night, highly recommended...

  2. ...and if you miss Sorcerer at the Vancity, you can see it the next week at the Cinematheque!


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