Wednesday, March 05, 2014

This just in...

I love that David M. took the time to do this (even though he has better things to do). This is way better, celebrity-interaction wise, than having shared a toilet seat with Doug Bennett (though I'm not sure how it sizes up against having given tentacle porn to Lemmy Kilmister). Did I try, David, to get you some press for this show OTHER than on this blog? Yes I did. Would I like to be at this show? Yes I would.

However: I have missed about the last five Furies shows I wanted to see, and Chris Arnett is having a gig at Chapel Arts that very night - the CD release for his first! ever! solo! album! ...and I had plans to see this gig long before you announced your Prophouse show (though I only realized that they were on the same damn day this week). Hell, I missed a Furies show just last month, and I saw YOUR Christmas gig a mere three months ago! PLUS I'm quite possibly teaching (I'm back to ESL, alas) until 8 that night - will be heading straight from Port Coquitlam to Chapel Arts. Truth be known, my girlfriend would probably much rather be seeing your show than Chris Arnett's, but I will have to apologize to Chris even MORE than I will have to apologize to you if I miss this gig. Not that Chris is making me any personalized posters, but...

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