Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Opus Art Supplies' Space to Create: a good excuse to make art!

An opportunity for some light, creative fun: Opus Art Supplies has a Space to Create page, where, every month, participants can submit a drawing (each on a different set theme), which will be shown on the Opus website. It's not a contest, there are no prizes - just a fun excuse to put your art into the world. January's assignment was to draw a narwhal; I think it's safe to say that Justin Lambert's Nardwhal was the stand-out submission:
February's assignment is to draw the first letter of your name. Though I have let my artistic skills slide in favour of writing, I have submitted an A. Actually, I did two; but the first is a good example of what not to do, since the finished product must be family-friendly. Still, setting my pen to paper, somewhat trepidatious after many years not really drawing much, this is what emerged:
My girl and I got a chuckle out of that but luckily she'd brought home two submission forms. So my official submission is this! Go to the Space to Create page, linked above, for more!

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