Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Happy 9th Anniversary, Creaking Planks!

Long day, I'm tired, got no stamina to type or think of things to say. So here's the Creaking Planks press release, cut-and-pasted verbatim! 9th anniversary show this Sunday!

The Creaking Planks 9th Anniversary Extravaganza!
Sunday, January 19th, 9:30 pm
Railway Club, 579 Dunsmuir Street (upstairs), Vancouver, BC
$9 at the door

Featuring The Creaking Planks, Glittering Kingdom, and Sidewalk Cellist.

The Creaking Planks celebrate nine years with heaping spoonfuls of quirky originals, oddball takes on traditional fare, and anachronistic renderings of familiar tunes rescued from the dust-bins of pop-culture. The evening will also feature Glittering Kingdom, releasing their new music video, and the inimitable Sidewalk Cellist (Clara Shandler).

The Creaking Planks
Nine years is a long time to keep on keeping on, but in recent years the Creaking Planks, East Van's jug band of the damned, have made a tradition of throwing themselves an annual anniversary show at Vancouver's ‘grande dame’ of venues, the Railway Club. Unwilling to allow themselves to be ground to a halt by the ravages of greying hair, sleepless toddlers, grad school and graveyard shift work, they aim to demonstrate that rock 'n roll remains the most prematurely ageing influence of all. With their unruly assortment of underdog old-country instruments, they breathe a new rootsy life into monster pop anthems which have long since collapsed beneath their own sodden hubris and, despite being old enough to know better, compel the moldering leg-bones of also-ran B-side songs that history has unjustly forgotten to jiggle and caper like they are callow and spry again -- some old trick involving a spike of shaved ginger root. Remember when you were young and foolish? You will.

Glittering Kingdom
Glittering Kingdom grooves, taps and twinkles through tunes that meander from lonely circus swing to prohibition-era jazz, folk noir to post-apocalyptic acoustic. The sparkly foursome (Katheryn Petersen, Lindy Gray, Jen Rashleigh and Belinda Bruce) braid fine harmonies amidst guitar, accordion, saw, harmonica, snare and tinkly percussion. Glittering Kingdom is jazzed to debut the video of their bittersweet cover of Leonard Cohen's "The Future" at the Railway.

Sidewalk Cellist
Vancouver's Sidewalk Cellist takes the classics out of the concert hall and throws them into the streets, with the help of her nearly-indestructible carbon-fiber cello! She provides a musical mix of everything from Bach to Nirvana, jazz to heavy metal, and more, building bridges between genres for audiences of all shapes and sizes.

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