Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Pere Ubu this Saturday!

Once again, folks, legendary avant-garagists Pere Ubu play the Biltmore this Saturday, with Ford Pier Vengeance Trio opening... early show, Ubu will take the stage around 9:30... They're driving through some pretty fierce weather to get here, so go see them! My interview with David Thomas here... other tour dates here...


  1. Well. Um. Thank you for that, Steve.

    Does the Bible say anything about it being rude and unseemly to go around threatening people you don't know with damnation?

    Because people like you seem to really, really enjoy doing that.

    What's that about, anyhow?

  2. Sin of pride. Steve pities you your empty, meaningless existence full of Pere Ubu etc., but he burns with the fire of righteousness i.e. lack of Pere Ubu, so he's going to beat you to death with his devoid-of-any-reference-to-Pere-Ubu Bible because he's just better than you. And Pere Ubu. Pere Ubu, bitches! By the way, do you think old fat people like us love Pere Ubu because they present an idealized image of old fat people like us (take a good look around you at the show before you answer)? UBU UBU PEREPEREPERE!


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