Friday, December 06, 2013

Pere Ubu: David Thomas interview

Pere Ubu plays the Biltmore December 14th, so I finally did a David Thomas interview. I wish he'd explained what a dull machine was! Those unfamilar with Pere Ubu might want to start here - my favourite song off the new album, relevant to the article, and a clip sanctioned by the band (it was Robert Wheeler who directed me to it). Datapanik In The Year Zero, The Modern Dance, and Dub Housing are also unquestionably essential, so check'em out. See you at the Biltmore (the Ford Pier Vengeance Trio opens, and - contrary to some reports - it's supposed to be an early show, running from 8pm-11, with the club clearing out to turn into a pumpkin or a disco or something thereafter).

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