Thursday, November 07, 2013

Not much for now...

I find it mildly amusing that it takes a couple of minutes after you turn on the news to figure out if the target of a given story is Mike Duffy or Rob Ford. So many comments could apply to either... as a fat white man, I think it is a good time to lie low for awhile. (Actually, I have writing I have to do).

In the meantime:

The weirdest book encountered in a thrift store this weekend: The Shamanic Way of the Bee, at Value Village near Edmonds Station. Who knows, it still may be there (I wonder if it was published before or after that Wicker Man remake?).

The coolest deal on a record that I don't want: an Italian-only Led Zeppelin release of BBC sessions, with excellent audio fidelity, at Carson Books and Records, at 27th and Dunbar. (Tim wants a mere $25 for it - the thing has sold on eBay for as much as $60, so that's a pretty good price. He's got a bunch of cool Miles and Coltrane LPs in, too).

The best deal on curry in town: Crave India, on Granville just south of Nelson. The butter chicken and palak paneer are terrific, the naan is cooked fresh in an electric tandoori, and the prices are very low. (The lamb is good, too, but it's kind of heavy and stays with you for a bit long - be warned!). Two people can eat a fine curry there dinner for under $25 - the place looks like a hole in the wall, but it's great, especially if you like it spicy.

Upcoming concerts I am excited about: Roky Erickson, Nov. 17; Pere Ubu, Dec. 14.

Todd Haynes retrospective event that I am most excited about - the "special surprise screening" listed here. (My favourite Haynes is actually Safe but I've seen it eight or nine times already and am not hungryin' for it at the moment).

In my CD player on the commute home tonight: The Rebel Spell's It's A Beautiful Future. What a great album... Listened to it three times through today.

That's all for now...

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