Thursday, November 28, 2013

Lee Ranaldo, Pere Ubu: concerts in December

I have always hated the idea of early concerts, with venues being emptied out at 11pm so that the bar can turn into a disco, but these days it means I can get back to Maple Ridge on the last bus, without having to impose on anyone (or sell my girlfriend on a band she might not want to see). So I guess I don't mind them so much now. Thanks to this practice, I might just be able to check out out the Lee Ranaldo and Pere Ubu shows at the Biltmore this month (Dec.7th and 14th, respectively). I like the new Lee album a lot; it has a wonderful energy to it - glowing, glistening psych-pop craftsmanship, with fellow SY member Steve Shelley on drums. I haven't come to terms with the new Pere Ubu yet but "Musicians Are Scum" is absolutely brilliant - that's a sample from the Chambers Brothers "Time Has Come Today," and it greatly complicates David Thomas' lyrics, if you're aware of how utterly screwed over Lester Chambers has been...

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