Thursday, October 17, 2013

The New Creation and Nardwuar! Plus Run Run It's Him

Looks like Chris Towers and I will be meeting up with Nardwuar for this Friday's show on CITR, talking and spinning records! We'll also be hauling a few vinyl reissues of the New Creation's Troubled around town, time permitting, so that will finally be available in stores (it's a very limited reissue, so act soon!). For those unfamiliar, The New Creation were a local Christian garage/ psych band that released one severely limited edition album in 1970, which would have totally disappeared into the mists of time if it had not been for the ear and efforts of (now deceased) Vancouver record dealer Ty Scammel (whom I knew and liked - he was my initial connection to this story...). They have since also put out A Unique Disaster, a follow-up CD themed around the End Times...

Speaking of The New Creation, I watched a film called Run Run It's Him last night, detailing a somewhat dorky but earnest young man's pornography addiction and his history of failures with women. It uses a couple of New Creation songs on the soundtrack! It's an interesting film, despite its sort of sub-cinematic, home video aesthetic, and it appears that the making of the film actually helped get its subject laid, which I guess means it has a happy ending. There seems to be something like a taboo about talking about formative male sexual experiences - especially solo ones - so it's interesting to see them discussed frankly and sincerely. I personally would not have the guts, were I making this film, to put my parents (were they both alive and able) on camera to discuss the times they found my porno stashes...

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