Monday, September 09, 2013

No blog this week, plus Brian De Palma's Passion

Not sure how many people actually follow this blog on a regular basis but for the record, I'm pre-occupied with the run-up to the VIFF, as well as an article I'm writing, and won't be writing here much this week. 

One thing of note: Brian De Palma's newest film, Passion, is screening at the Rio Theatre, one night only, Friday September 13th at 11pm. I would love to see the film, but this scheduling completely defeats me, alas. Hopefully someone else will pick it up.

1 comment:

  1. Apparently Passion will play a full week! Good... not all critics are liking it, but when do they ever, with De Palma?

    Then again, I didn't much like his Black Dahlia adaptation...


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