Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sorry, Werner; plus internet ennui

I am sure that Werner Herzog's spot on the dangers of texting while driving is far better than the average public service video, but frankly, I find the whole idea somewhat underwhelming. Plus I have a pretty good Michael Connelly novel on the go; was thinking of re-watching District 9, since I liked Elysium; and could always make good use of the night by taking a bath, or cleaning my kitchen, or going to bed early.

Sorry, Werner...

I've been having this feeling lately that more and more, the internet is not so satisfying lately, you know? I mean, it's great for work - for contacting interview subjects, for researching projects, doing job searches, and so forth. It sure saves on the cost of buying porn magazines (do they still even exist?). And there's always an abundance of idle entertainment to be found on Facebook, Herzog-related or no. But on the other hand, there's also the sense that I waste a lot more time sitting in front of the computer than is justifiable, and the number of personal emails that I get is probably down to a dozen a week (and could be eliminated altogether, since I can always connect with my friends via cellphone or text message). Unless my writing work picks up, I'm actually considering giving up the internet at home... It's not cheap, and there are definitely more rewarding ways to spend my time...

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