Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Obama, drones, and extra-judicial assassination: yet another failure of the US mainstream media

To paraphrase (and disagree with) Bill Hicks, I do think there's a difference between "the puppet on the right" and "the puppet on the far, far right," so I'm a supporter of Barack Obama's administration; far, far better Obama than WHOMEVER the Republicans cook up. (Maybe next time they'll try a Scientologist?). However, Obama does have his critics on the left, and one thing they routinely pillory him for in independent media is his use of drones in assassinations in the Middle East. There's an excellent article by Neil Macdonald on the CBC website about the mainstream media's complicity in keeping this practice silent - well worth reading, especially if you don't know a lot about the current US administration's use of drones...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Chomsky would agree that there is a difference, but that amounts to being asked "Would you like to be hit on the head with a big stick, or a slightly smaller stick".


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