Monday, December 17, 2012

Running dry again...

Is it obvious that I'm running out of steam for this blog again?

I mean, I missed High on Fire last night. My favourite (non-local) metal album since I started re-exploring the genre is probably their Blessed Black Wings, but as amazing as that album is, travelling to the city for shows isn't worth it these days. Between looking out for Ma, and maintaining a relationship on Vancouver Island, and looking for PAID work, I just don't have a lot of time or energy for commuting or giving a whole evening over to the experience of seeing music played, especially with the added complication of having to stay overnight for most shows. I barely even enjoy the shows I do make it to - my heart just isn't where it once used to be. Plus I barely get to see ANY of the films I write about on this site (I've missed, I think, all the screenings of Nausicaa I'd so wanted to attend). And writing about a music scene I can't participate in and writing about movies I won't be seeing is an exercise in masochism. If I'd been able to turn the blog into a source of income, it would be another thing, but AdSense rejected me last time I tried, for not having enough content (!?!) - a strange enough verdict that I don't really feel all that enthusiastic about appealing to them again. VERY occasionally I'll feel a moment of inspiration or write something that I think is important - but it's generally not enough to keep me goin'. Besides, who reads blogs anymore? Everyone is on Facebook and Twitter and so forth, INTERACTING with people, or watching goofy animal videos, or such. Hell, lately *I'm* spending more time on Facebook than I am here, and am enjoying it more... some of those goofy animal videos are just delightful...

Anyhow, I'm not going to announce a blog closure this time, since the last time I did that, I only lasted a month or two before I started posting again. But between writing here in my free time and reading Michael Connelly novels, right now, I'd rather read Michael Connelly novels, to be honest. I'm thinking I'll try to make the best of the 2012 apocalypse/ New Year to make some changes in my life; cutting down the time I spend here is definitely on my list of changes to be made.  

...Tho' who knows when inspiration will strike me. I still do have a couple of things I'd like to put up before the end of the year - I have some ideas for a few final pieces before I go on hiatus, or whatever it is I'm going to do...


  1. Who's Michael Connelly? You should post something about his novels.

  2. Anonymous10:27 AM

    I check the blog every morning, it's a favorite of mine. I have been listening to the Dicks since you reminded me of them.

  3. Well, thanks - but I really do need to do some other stuff for a bit. Like get a job! I'm not folding up shop, exactly... just gotta rethink what I'm doing.

    Anonymous - I have big Dicks plans in the works! More to follow.


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