Saturday, November 24, 2012

Mr. Merde returns!

Anyone who saw the anthology film Tokyo! a few years back will have at least some memories of Monsieur Merde, the sewer-dwelling, flower eating, impossibly rude, possibly dangerous, and yet undeniably provocative and compelling creature who provided the film both its most unsettling and funniest moments. Those who now nod and smile should - if you've somehow missed this - rush off to the Vancity Theatre this upcoming Tuesday/ Wednesday to catch Leos Carax' new film, Holy Motors, which features, among other things, the return of M. Merde, played once again by Denis Levant (one of his many roles in the film). Holy Motors has received a glowing review from the Straight's Mark Harris and kept a packed house well-entertained last week, when I caught a screening of it. I confess to having loved it a smidgen less than Mark Harris - it's an uneven film, and its moments of brilliance are somewhat balanced by moments that left me slightly non-plussed; but perhaps I missed something? ...because other than superficial similarities to Cosmopolis and the somewhat obvious Eyes Without a Face reference, and maybe a gesture towards the fatal film of Theo van Gogh, I confess that I did not see "cinematic references by the bucketful" in Holy Motors, as Mark Harris promised. Nor did I see it as a parable about digital media vs. film, which the Vancity Theatre description suggests. In fact, for the most part, I'm not really sure WHAT I saw, except that it was compelling throughout, plus it was nice to spend some more time with Mr. Merde (his segment alone is worth the price of admission!).

Maybe someone could introduce Monsieur Merde to Stephen Harper? Bring M. Merde to Canada, Monsieur Carax! Merde for Prime Minister! Vive le Merde liberte!

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