Monday, November 12, 2012

Neil Young and Crazy Horse, November 11, 2012

Last night's Neil Young concert outdoes Iggy and the Stooges for the hardest-rockin' show by a senior citizen that I've seen (unless you count Tunnel Canary). Awe-inspiring live version of "Fuckin' Up" was the high point, for me, though it was sweet to see a smiling Frank present Neil with a gift of a scarf for his birthday, and then exhorting the audience to sing the birthday song to Neil (who, for his own part, had led the audience in singing "O Canada" as the set commenced). The Sadies were great - shitkicker country meets surf meets psychedelic pop; Los Lobos were professional but less musically exciting (tho' at least I've now got to see ONE Flesheater in action - Steve Berlin plays sax). Most amusing moment: I sent the above photo to a buddy, unfamiliar with the giant-amp Live Rust set-dec of Neil (which last night repeated, only it was lab-coated technicians, and not those little Jawa-guys, who ran about the stage, directing the raising and lowering of the props and such) and he responded, "Holy shit those are some big amps!" Honkin' big microphone there, too...

1 comment:

  1. Corrine11:28 AM

    Damn u got a great spot! I took my dad but we were way upper bowl.
    The Sadies were amazing! I'm definitely a new fan gonna pillage their iTunes catalog :)


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